Energy Conservation

Energy Assistance Programs

Northern Tier Community Action Corp. implements several different energy assistance programs through both utility donated and private funds throughout the four county area. These programs are available to those customers that are experiencing difficulties in paying for or restoring utility service. Clients are able to apply for funds one time during the funding year. The energy assistance programs use the Federal Poverty Guidelines for eligibility, along with client need. To apply, contact the utility or Northern Tier Community Action Corp.

Low-Income Usage Reduction Program (LIURP)

West Penn Power, FirstEnergy/Penelec, National Fuel Gas, and UGI all have usage reduction programs implemented through Northern Tier Community Action Corp.  Eligibility is based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines and customer energy consumption.  These programs provide, but are not limited to, many of the same services and materials provided by the State Weatherization Program.  Customers may apply for both the utility, gas and electric, and the state programs.  To apply, contact the utility directly.


This service is provided to families with household income within 150% of Federal Poverty Guidelines. Priority is given to households with children under the age of 6 and those homes with handicapped, and/or elderly occupants. Highly skilled staffs assess the entire household to determine which materials cost will effectively provide a warm, energy efficient home while insuring occupant health and safety. Clients are also provided with information on ways in which they can control high utility costs. Services are provided to owner occupied dwellings as well as rental units throughout the four county service area.