Careers at Northern Tier Community Action Corporation
Employment at Northern Tier Community Action Corporation.
Some tips before sending
Your Application
NTCAC provides employment to nearly 100 persons both full and part time. As positions become available, they will be posted on this section of our web site.
Requirements for a complete application are:
If you meet the minimum requirements of the position posted, submit the following as part of your application portfolio.
- Current resume.
- 3 references with contact information.
- A Signed Cover Letter (introducing you and indicating application for the specific position posted) addressed to:
Mr. David Greene, Executive Director
Northern Tier Community Action Corporation
P.O. Box 389
135 West Fourth Street
Emporium, PA 15834
Submissions must be in response ONLY to positions posted on this web site.
Interesting Links
Here are some interesting links for you!
Northern Tier Community Action Corporation
135 W. 4th St.
P.O. Box 389
Emporium, PA 15834
(814) 486-1161
Opening Hours
Mo-Fr: 8:00am – 4:00pm
*Closed to visitors until further notice, please call and we will help*
Community Based Care Manager Position
Northern Tier Community Action Corporation is accepting applications for a full time Community Based Care Manager. This position will develop a working knowledge of Community Based Care Management and Health Choices Behavioral Health Program, perform case management that will assist clients with housing instability and homelessness, employment and financial strain, childcare access and affordability and […]
Energy Auditor / Weatherization Installer
Home energy professionals can quickly grow through work experience and paid training. We are willing to invest in the right person with paid education and paid wages while you learn. Education is a combination of online and in person classes at Penn States Clean Energy Center in Williamsport or Latrobe PA. Energy Auditor is a […]